Looking for new dancers to follow?
Below you'll find a list of folks who've inspired the pages of
Pole Shapes and Pole Joy
 Posted with artist permission.
@d_undertakah - Pole Shapes, drawings 1 & 10
read our interview here
@callumgubb - Pole Shapes, drawing 8
@xmaskitty_poledancer - Pole Shapes, drawing 8
read our interview here
@rudolfwindell - Pole Shapes, drawing 13
read our interview here
@juliofarfan_ - Pole Shapes, drawing 19
@alpaigeca - Pole Joy, cover, title, drawing 1
read our interview here
@bentleyrebel - Pole Joy, drawing 2
@olivaandersenpole - Pole Joy, drawing 3
@chloeandersonpole - Pole Joy, drawing 4
@tattoo_pole_boy - Pole Joy, drawing 5
@rockett_sanibel - Pole Joy, drawing 6
@dancinnthedark - Pole Joy, drawing 7
@itskimmyyyb - Pole Joy, drawing 8
@franzi.wollfee - Pole Joy, drawing 9
@e.a.macias - Pole Joy, drawing 10
@hijabiluscious - Pole Joy, drawing 11
read our interview here
@polenick - Pole Joy, drawing 12
@miss_limey - Pole Joy, drawing 16
@brianwearsblack - Pole Joy, drawing 17
@a.dre.a.day - Pole Joy, drawing 18
read our interview here
@journaldupole - Pole Joy, drawing 20
@thefamousmsvegas - Pole Joy, drawing 21
read our interview here
Please contact me if something on this page is no longer accurate. Thank you!